Those are still coming, I promise (us) :-)
In January I was approached about doing a bit for February's Women In Horror Month, in celebration of and support of women writing for the horror genre. The event's coordinator couldn't have been nicer and I was happy to contribute. Especially when she said one of my episodes of "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" was her favorite. Turns out it's also one of my favorite things I've ever written. In case you're interested in reading my little bit of advice to horror writers, here's the LINK.
As I explained when telling WIHM about my app, "it's about mindfulness - the lighter side of my interest in unseen forces". (How cool is it that they added that bit about Remindfulness to their site. Thanks, Women In Horror Month!) If you're a fan of or an aspiring writer of horror, I encourage you to get on their list. I personally think horror is a genre that can only benefit from the addition of feminine perspectives. Am I right about that? I'd love to hear from you.